Auro Pharma, a small scale industry involved in the manufacture of Ayurvedic medicines, was started in 1987 under the expert guidance of two renowned scientists Dr.R.V.KRISHNA RAO and Dr.Mrs.VIMALA DEVI both eminent in their own right, one having specialized in pharmaceutical technology and the other in pharmacognosy and natural products with the main motto of providing an alternative system of medicine using natural resources for healthcare considering the ever increasing awareness and preference world over, for such a system i.e. Ayurveda an Indian Medicine system, which is a part of Indian culture and heritage. Although both of them were pharmacists they chose this system because they envisaged in it a reliable and acceptable alternative to the existing systems of medicine. All the products are inhouse developed with a blend of modern technology and traditional expertise.
Auro Pharma, a small scale industry involved in the manufacture of Ayurvedic medicines, was started in 1987 under the expert guidance of two renowned scientists Dr.R.V.KRISHNA RAO and Dr.Mrs.VIMALA DEVI both eminent in their own right, one having specialized in pharmaceutical technology and the other in pharmacognosy and natural products with the main motto of providing an alternative system of medicine using natural resources for healthcare considering the ever increasing awareness and preference world over, for such a system i.e. Ayurveda an Indian Medicine system, which is a part of Indian culture and heritage. Although both of them were pharmacists they chose this system because they envisaged in it a reliable and acceptable alternative to the existing systems of medicine. All the products are inhouse developed with a blend of modern technology and traditional expertise.
Auro Pharma, a small scale industry involved in the manufacture of Ayurvedic medicines, was started in 1987 under the expert guidance of two renowned scientists Dr.R.V.KRISHNA RAO and Dr.Mrs.VIMALA DEVI both eminent in their own right, one having specialized in pharmaceutical technology and the other in pharmacognosy and natural products with the main motto of providing an alternative system of medicine using natural resources for healthcare considering the ever increasing awareness and preference world over, for such a system i.e. Ayurveda an Indian Medicine system, which is a part of Indian culture and heritage. Although both of them were pharmacists they chose this system because they envisaged in it a reliable and acceptable alternative to the existing systems of medicine. All the products are inhouse developed with a blend of modern technology and traditional expertise.